Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: toddlers

Toddlers And Hitting: Help, Ideas and Resources

Toddlers And Hitting: Help, Ideas and Resources

Toddlers and hitting is a common challenge for parents, so much so it’s often referred to as a behavior problem. But really, getting toddlers to stop hitting often comes down to understanding the reasons toddlers hit, understanding how hitting make us parents feel. They way we react to children hitting can either fuel the problem or lead towards better connection and helping our child learn different ways to express their feelings.Often the more negatively we feel about the hitting the more we might inadvertently prolong the problem. Continue Reading

Moving Forward: Thoughts on Moving House while Being Sensitive To a Child’s Needs

Moving Forward: Thoughts on Moving House while Being Sensitive To a Child’s Needs

I won’t pretend that it wasn’t
frustrating, constantly stopping what I was doing to pick up, comfort and
carry my toddler but I had to keep reminding myself that he had no idea
what was going on, what was next or where we were going, so he absolutely
needed all the comfort and reassurance that we could offer. Continue Reading

6 Ways for Children To Learn About Their Body

6 Ways for Children To Learn About Their Body

Children love learning and discovering about themselves and what they can do with their bodies. The more children know about their body and what they can do the more they feel capable. Feeling capable leads to feeling great about one’s self and one’s abilities and positive self-esteem naturally follows. Welcome to the October edition of… Continue Reading

Creating a Yes Environment

Creating a Yes Environment

*** Toddlers hear the word NO! on average 300 times – have you heard this statistic?  Today I am welcoming Sam from Love Parenting with a guest post on creating a YES environment for our children!*** We get so frustrated when our children shout “No” at us, or refuse to follow important directions, but perhaps instead… Continue Reading

Giant List of Self-Care Skills for Babies,Toddlers and Preschoolers

Giant List of Self-Care Skills for Babies,Toddlers and Preschoolers

Self Care Skills By Age (Babies, Toddlers and Preschool Children) Giving children a chance to practice self care skills is a very important part of growth and development. The time and effort you invest into encouraging self care is a sure way to help your child feel capable. Learning to get dressed, brushing teeth and… Continue Reading

Sunday Sharing

Hello Sunday! We took a ride on an old steam train today! We had a picnic, played with balls,bubbles, made new friends and even had a chance to climb up the engine and look at the coal tender…An amazing adventure!     Articles & posts that I’m sharing this week: The Mule has this great… Continue Reading

Control Does Not Equal Discipline

Control Does Not Equal Discipline

Today I am welcoming Kimberly of The Single Crunch to share a bit about her journey into peaceful parenting. Kimberly’ story is one of hope and hopefully inspiring to others. Choosing to parent in a positive way is possible, even if the journey didn’t start out so.  Thank you Kimberly for your honesty and for… Continue Reading