Cooperation Begins with Trust

Tag Archives: parenting solutions

How To Stop Power Struggles with a Very Assertive Child

How To Stop Power Struggles with a Very Assertive Child

If you have a child that is getting into power struggles with you, you also have a child that is ready and able to stand up for themselves. This is a good thing. A really good thing. Children that are assertive, critical thinkers are more successful in life. While it might be great down the… Continue Reading

What You Need To Know To Navigate Tantrums Beyond Toddlerhood

What You Need To Know To Navigate Tantrums Beyond Toddlerhood

Tantrums after the toddler years are normal and happen because of emotional overload. Frustration, anger, disappointment and sadness, can lead to a child having a tantrum at any age. Parents can help children manage anger, tantrums and intense emotions using positive parenting tools. Continue Reading

Positive Parenting: Better Behavior Without Punishment Is Possible

Positive Parenting: Better Behavior Without Punishment Is Possible

Inside: Using positive parenting makes it possible to encourage better behavior without resorting to punishment and yelling. A few years ago, my 3 year old daughter ripped her brothers’ picture. She did it on purpose and with the intent to get back at her brother. Many parents believe that such “acting out”  needs to be managed… Continue Reading

Why Preschoolers Know Much Better Than They Behave

Why Preschoolers Know Much Better Than They Behave

Discover five discipline strategies for preschoolers you can count on.  Parents are routinely confused when their preschooler (aged 2 to 5) promises they won’t hit or scream only to turn around and hit or scream again. Part of the problem is young children don’t think twice nor contemplate the consequences of their actions in the… Continue Reading

Three Tips For Getting Kids Ready and Out the Door Struggle Free

Three Tips For Getting Kids Ready and Out the Door Struggle Free

Discover tried and true parenting tips for getting everyone out the door in the morning. Do mornings at your house look like a scene from a stressful Groundhog’s day video? The same level of stress, the same rushing, and the same power struggles with your children day in and day out?  If it does, you… Continue Reading

8 Proven Ways That Teach Children To Respect Safety Rules

8 Proven Ways That Teach Children To Respect Safety Rules

Have you ever told your children not to hide in a clothing store, not to touch dangerous things, or not to run in the parking lot? Have you had to say it more than once, only to find that they repeat the same behavior three minutes later? Why is this happening? Prohibition (like saying DON’T)… Continue Reading

10 Helpful Strategies for Parenting Super High Energy Kids

10 Helpful Strategies for Parenting Super High Energy Kids

So how to handle over-wound, exuberant, annoying behaviors in a positive way? Everyone has their own personality and style. Embrace your child for who they are, that kind of acceptance alone will help you see that their behaviors are often just an expression of who they are and how they approach the world, not things done to annoy you. Continue Reading

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

How To Discipline Your Baby In A Positive Way Responding positively to your baby teaches him to trust you and your guidance. While babies are growing they may do certain things, like spitting, hitting or kicking when upset, throwing food down from a high chair or taking a toy away from a playmate. These behaviors… Continue Reading

Positive Discipline for Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Positive Discipline for Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Positive Discipline at Home & School for Turning Disruptive Behavior Around Do you have any suggestions for a child who may be seeking the attention of his classmates? He is being disruptive in class trying to get other children to pay attention to him. He is an only child and due to work, we don’t get… Continue Reading

Why Children Misbehave Again and Again – And How to Stop It without Yelling

Why Children Misbehave Again and Again – And How to Stop It without Yelling

Inside: Why young children misbehave even when you tell them not to do something. Learn what you can do to discipline in a positive way that helps children behave better. It was mid morning at playgroup and tension was rising between Theo and his mother. There was a phone,  perfectly placed on the edge of… Continue Reading