Positive Parenting can help toddlers feel safe, loved, capable and cooperative. Toddlers love to test limits and say no. Sometimes toddlers may cry a lot. For that reason, toddlers get quite the reputation for being terrible… But the toddler years don’t have to be terrible. The so called terrible two’s can be in fact quite terrific.… Continue Reading

Get Your Toddler To Listen and Cooperate (Positive Parenting Examples)

Get Your Toddler To Listen and Cooperate (Positive Parenting Examples)

Inside: How do you discipline a child that won’t listen? Understand toddler behavior and learn positive ways to encourage cooperation. Examples of how to use positive parenting strategies to get your toddler to listen included. One very challenging task in the early years of parenting is finding ways to encourage cooperation and listening. You might find…

Positive Parenting: Rethinking “You Have To Share That!”

Positive Parenting: Rethinking “You Have To Share That!”

Sharing requires understanding of another person’s feelings and desires. Sharing is about being creative with another as you use something together, it is about being compassionate and giving, it is about being respectful. How do our young one’s grow into the sharing mode? By our understanding of THEIR feelings and desires, our compassion, our giving, our being respectful of them. It also begins with complete ownership over something.

What you Don’t Want to Say to Stop Unwanted Behaviors

What you Don’t Want to Say to Stop Unwanted Behaviors

How often do you use the word ‘don’t’ to stop unwanted behaviour in your children? Does it actually work? Most parents say it does not. When I first became aware of the little impact this word has, it threw me. I had no idea how often I was using it, and how often it left…

Why Timeouts Make Tantrums And Power Struggles Worse (And What To Do Instead)

Why Timeouts Make Tantrums And Power Struggles Worse (And What To Do Instead)

A parent wrote in recently asking why timeouts are making her daughters behavior worse instead of better. She shares: I have a 3 year old daughter that throws the biggest tantrums whenever i simply say no or disagree with her. She has picked up negative behaviors to calm herself. Such as slamming doors and using aggression….

How Can I Get My Kids to Listen?

How Can I Get My Kids to Listen?

How Parents Can Increase Cooperation with Positive Discipline How Can I get My Kids to Listen? This is by far one of the most frequent questions I am asked in my parent coaching practice. After ruling out a true hearing issue, I often remind parents of the saying “It’s not what you say, but how you…

Positive Parenting: Why Keeping Our Limits When Children Become Upset is Important

Positive Parenting: Why Keeping Our Limits When Children Become Upset is Important

When we let go of punitive parenting and authority over the child style of parenting, setting a limit with kindness and consistency and then actually holding it may at first feel similar to punishing or being authoritarian. With time and practice though, it is possible to be confident, calm and consistent in a way that conveys that the limits are about creating safety, building trust and guidance.

Kindness During a Tantrum: 10 Ways to Show you Care

Kindness During a Tantrum: 10 Ways to Show you Care

Kindness is a wonderful thing. Surprising your child with a new book, fresh whipped cream atop their favorite fruits or letting them stay awake to talk with you for an extra ten minutes, whatever kind act it may be, children thrive on love and kindness.  What about when your child is having a tantrum? Did you…

How To Set Limits on Your Child’s Behavior in a Positive and Respectful Way

How To Set Limits on Your Child’s Behavior in a Positive and Respectful Way

Positive Parenting essentials for setting limits on your child’s behavior The other morning at playgroup, a little boy kept running up to his mom and punching her. It was a light, somewhat playful punch. Repeated over and over again it seemed quite annoying too. All this mom really wanted, was to have a conversation with a friend. You’ve been…

Using Time In instead of Time Out for Toddler Misbehavior

Using Time In instead of Time Out for Toddler Misbehavior

Time Out for Toddlers are no longer recommended.  Here is a step by step guide on how to use Time In when disciplining your child.  Your hair fell off mama. I caught it for you. That’s what I heard one morning as I was waking up. Before me, stood my 2.5 year old, scissors in one hand,…

One Important Step To Take After Correcting Misbehavior

One Important Step To Take After Correcting Misbehavior

To encourage better behavior, make sure you are taking this important step after disciplining your child. Books went flying down to the ground. Screams filled the dining room. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly assessed the situation for injuries and damages. You know that feelings when you aren’t so sure if all your kids…

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