That Was Then…This is Now: 10 Things that Have Changed After Having Children.

That Was Then…This is Now: 10 Things that Have Changed After Having Children.

Six years into motherhood and three children later, I have traded disposable income for disposable diapers and power suits for the occasional power struggle.  Many aspects of my life have changed, not necessarily for better or worse, some things are just  different.

These are 10 things that have definitely changed:

1. Nine p.m.

Then: The best time to leave the house for a night out in the town.

Now: The time you will find me passed out on the couch pretending to watch a TV show but really catching up on sleep.

2. My car

Then: A compact sedan, spotless and scented with cucumber-melon freshener – with a hint of dog hair.

Now: A minivan, a.k.a. the vortex of cheerios, single socks, lost mittens and myriad of toys scented with remnants of banana, snot stuck on car seats with a hint of dog hair.

3. Sleep

Then:  At the end of the day, hop into bed and sleep soundly and on weekends sleep until the idea of eating brunch won over sleeping.

Now:  Sleep, what sleep? Ok, it’s not that bad anymore, but there are nights when one child or more needs an extra cuddle and/or a throw up bucket, sip of water, and so a full night sleep is never a guarantee but always a welcome surprise.

4. Friday night

Then: Getting all dressed up, heading out to the pub, drinking some wine, going home to err… fold the laundry, yeah, that’s what I’ll call it, laundry… until 2 a.m.

Now: Getting all cozy in jammies, sipping wine and pretend to watch a movie,err…fold the laundry and then often literally start a load of  laundry, and try to be asleep by no later than 11 p.m.

5. Disposable income

Then: Used for buying that beautiful winter coat or splurging on a fancy restaurant on a special occasion.

Now: The only disposable thing around here: diapers.

6.My body

Then: A source of insecurity, something that I wanted to change and was never right.

Now: A source of pride– I made people! My body grew, birthed and fed three adorable, awesome people. Thanks body – you might not be perfect but you rock!

7. Poop

Then: It just wasn’t a topic of conversation and definitely not something I ever thought I would one day find on the bathroom wall or discuss in writing.

Now:  Something to explain to the pediatrician  i.e.: Mustard poop, seedy poop, mucusy poop, loose poop, yellow poop…Something to celebrate and do a happy dance when it lands in the potty – and not on the bathroom wall.

8. My wardrobe

Then: Packed full of power suits, crisp dress shirts, stylish pumps and the latest in fashionable accessories.

Now: Packed full of jeans, comfy T’s, nursing tanks and funky socks. Oh plus all the fashionable accessories from back then which are a bit outdated but work great for playing dress up…

9. Guilt

Then:  Eating one piece of cake too many and skipping the gym. Spending a little too much money on a really must have outfit or pair of shoes.

Now: Letting the kids watch one extra show on TV, not buying exclusively organic produce, and spending a little too much money on a really cool toy.  OK, and eating one piece of cake too many and skipping the gym.

10. One moment at a time

Then: A saying that was hip and zen and a way to deal with crappy moments, but easier said than done.

Now: Something that actually happens because with three curious children I can’t help but stop to smell the flowers, see the airplanes overhead and go rainbow hunting after a rain storm.

That was then…this is now…I love the now. What about you – have something you can add to this list? Add to the comments below, I would love to hear from you!

Peace & Be Well,


Find me on Facebook at Positive Parenting Connection!

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Ariadne is a happy and busy mama to three children. She practices peaceful, playful, responsive parenting and is passionate about all things parenting and chocolate. Ariadne has a Masters in Psychology and is a certified Positive Discipline Parenting Educator. She lives on top of a beautiful mountain with her family, and one cuddly dog.

10 Responses to That Was Then…This is Now: 10 Things that Have Changed After Having Children.

  1. Add something about ‘judging’… Then, I judged moms who bought that toy at the check out lane to shut the kid up, Now, I buy every toy at the store to shut my kid and others kids up:)

  2. I love it. So true, although I can barely remember what my life was like 11 years ago before I had kids. But for all the ‘fun times’ I had without them, I think I have more fun with them. and with a 1, 3 and 10 year old there is always something going on here. no time to be bored. (:

  3. Mealtime. Then: Fix a nice meal, sit down to eat it, relax, enjoy someone’s company or read a book/watch a show.

    Now: Fix a nice meal despite doing 45 other things at the same time, sit down then get right back up to change a diaper/get someone a condiment/etc., sit down and get right back up to wipe a spill/grab another fork because someone’s fell on the floor, sit down and get right back up because… well. You get the idea. Finally eat my cold dinner when everyone else is done and has run off to do their thing.

  4. Oh Elena – I so know what you mean. Now that mine are a little bigger we have a strict “mama does not get up more than 3 times” thing otherwise i would never eat! thanks for sharing!!

  5. I am going to steal this rule. It is soooo necessary with a 9 month old and a 4 year old….and a hungry husband.

  6. Music that makes me get up and dance
    Then: any really good pumping beat at a club or a fun retro song from my high school days.
    Now: “If You’re Happy and You Know It”, “The Hokey Pokey”, “Father Abraham”…

  7. I love this! My “now” is 18 years and 3 teenagers later. ” disposable” income leaves as gas or snacks with friends money in at least one of 3 possible sets of hands, ” together time” means everyone is home for dinner, entertainment is usually watching someone’s soccer, etc. game, and sleep is something I get after the last one comes in and gets me off the couch, and before the animals wake me to be fed since they don’t understand what a weekend is! However, often I don’t have to get myself a drink as I can ask the capable kid who is getting himself one to get me one too. 🙂

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