Better behavior without punishment is possible. It takes commitment, connection and a focus on cooperation. Children naturally follow the guidance of those they trust. Children also want to learn and grow, especially when they feel connected to you. The alternatives to punishment you find in this section will focus on real solutions and learning tools, to help children feel more connected,  capable and cooperative.

Why take a positive approach to discipline and find alternatives to punishment? Studies show that children that are raised with inflexible, punishment based discipline have lower self-esteem and struggle with making good decisions on their own. The alternatives to punishment in this section are all aimed at helping you find the confidence you need when setting limits and boundaries. And keeping a loving, respectful, thriving relationship with your child.

Positive Discipline for Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Positive Discipline for Disruptive Classroom Behavior

Positive Discipline at Home & School for Turning Disruptive Behavior Around Do you have any suggestions for a child who may be seeking the attention of his classmates? He is being disruptive in class trying to get other children to pay attention to him. He is an only child and due to work, we don’t get…

Positive Parenting: Better Behavior Without Punishment Is Possible

Positive Parenting: Better Behavior Without Punishment Is Possible

Inside: Using positive parenting makes it possible to encourage better behavior without resorting to punishment and yelling. A few years ago, my 3 year old daughter ripped her brothers’ picture. She did it on purpose and with the intent to get back at her brother. Many parents believe that such “acting out”  needs to be managed…

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Using Consequences To Change Behavior: Sometimes It’s Not the Right Choice

Changing misbehavior with consequences doesn’t always lead to good behavior. Learn about positive discipline and how it helps children learn life skills and behave well. Late in the afternoon, on the way home from school, my son took hold of my hand and started talking softly. He spoke so quietly, I could tell something unusual…

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

Dance Break: An Awesome Alternative to Time-Out

For me, Attachment Parenting is simply this; treat your kids how you want them to grow up and treat you and others in their lives. Is this type of parenting easy? NO! Is this hard in the face of the predictable intense and challenging moments of parenting? Yes!
But parenting isn’t for sissies, it’s hard, but our kids are worth our efforts.

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

The Most Powerful And Punishment Free Way To Better Behavior

How to discipline your child without punishments. Helping children behave better and learn from their mistakes with positive discipline is very effective. Learn how to change your child’s behavior without using punishments, yelling or bribes.  When my son was four years old, he was sweet, funny and quite mischievous.Just a moment unsupervised and something was…

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Positive Parenting: How To Encourage Children to Follow Your Guidance

Skip time out and other hurtful “discipline” techniques: Children learn right from wrong, not because they were sent to the corner alone, but because they begin to understand expectations and situations, and because they have enough information that will ultimately help them make better decisions.

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Child Discipline: Patience and Warmth are More Likely to Stop Misbehavior Than Threats and Anger

Discipline for Children: Three effective ways to stay patient and talk so your child will listen and cooperate. Discipline for children is most effective when it’s aimed at creating cooperation and a sense of trust and respect. When parents focus on using discipline strategies that are respectful and positive, children thrive and grow well. One…

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

How to Discipline Children Effectively without Quick Hacks and Punishments

Quick and clever discipline hacks tend to fail or make unwanted behaviors even worse. Discover here better, more effective and developmentally appropriate ways to discipline your child. Counting methods, sticker charts, automatic timers, fuzzy pom-poms and rubber bands…good discipline? These are some of the popular recommendations for dealing with misbehavior. If you tried all the…

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

Six Super Helpful Ways To Keep Calm and Deal With Defiance

These Six Positive Parenting strategies can help you respond to your child when they are behaving in defiant, disrespectful or unhelpful ways. Children often act out when they are lost, fearful and in need of guidance. A child that is being defiant needs to reconnect with you and find his way back to calm. And until…

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

Why Gentle Discipline is The Best Discipline for Your Baby

How To Discipline Your Baby In A Positive Way Responding positively to your baby teaches him to trust you and your guidance. While babies are growing they may do certain things, like spitting, hitting or kicking when upset, throwing food down from a high chair or taking a toy away from a playmate. These behaviors…

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